Green Diversity Foundation

Green Diversity Foundation also known as GDF Africa was established in 2017 with clear objective to support and promote sustainable development within our cities

Our Objectives

GDF Africa believes in environmental conservation as a tool for Eco-Tourism through Ecosystem restoration with a focus on restoring freshwater bodies such as lakes, lagoons and water channels for the purpose of creating ambient in such public spaces.

Tree Planting

We promote tree planting, nurturing and protection for Environmental conservation and eco-tourism in Africa


We advocate for sustainable Cities and Communities of the SDGs in Africa


We promote Environmental Education in Schools and Communities


Research into water, Environmental Sanitation and waste management to promote clean environment in Africa

About Green Diversity Foundation!

Green Diversity Foundation also known as GDF Africa was established in 2017 with clear objective to support and promote sustainable development within our cities and communities through awareness creation, demonstration of technology and transfer of knowledge.

The Foundation is focusing on environmental conservation for Eco-Tourism, Secondary Resources Management including recovery of materials from wastes, Recycling, Upcycling, Environmental Sanitation and Water Resources Management.

News Blog

Zero Waste Day: Partnership For Sustainable Production & Consumption



GDF Africa promotes sustainable development through community participation, research and education


We promote tree planting, nurturing and protection for Environmental conservation and eco-tourism in Africa

We Are Stronger Together. Join Us Make A Lasting Impact In Our Environment

Tons of Plastic Collected


Trees Planted